We are in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. The main consideration when picking lucky numbers during the Sagittarius date range (22 November – 21 December) is to pounce on big opportunities before they slip away. This involves doing some research on the best odds and biggest possible payouts.

Having the Sagittarius mindset going into a draw means you show a passion and enthusiasm for picking your numbers, with a view that your selected numbers will attract positive events in your life.

Hint: When you see great odds and big potential wins, place the bet!

Wednesdays & Fridays are your Lucky days!
If you are a Sagittarius, you may have recognized that Wednesdays and Fridays tend to go your way. This makes playing numbers on these days a must!

Hint: Pick Wednesdays & Fridays to play lucky numbers

3, 5, 6, 8 are good bets!
3, 5, 6, 8 are the Sagittarius’s numbers, so you might want to pick these and variations thereof ahead of the draw.

Hint: Go for numbers 3, 5, 6, 8   

Character traits of Scorpio
Loving | Embracing | Passionate | Dynamic

Hint: Show special love to your loved ones ahead of the draw!

Playing Bet Games? Yellow is Best!
Being a philosophical sign, Sagittarius prefer the colour yellow.

Hint: Yellow is today’s lucky colour!

*This horoscope is used a recommendation guide only. Gbets will not be held responsible for any losses as a result of following this guide.